kmax color shades

Color shades

Color Shades: Kmax Keratin Fibers are available in 9 shades from black to white so let’s play with the colors !

Try different shades and find the one that best matches your own hair tone. Our suggestion? Choose a color that is slightly darker than your own.

Not enough? Mix 2 or more colors in different proportions to create your personal nuance and style!

Do you know?

Kmax hair fibers can be used also to conceal colour treated root regrowth! Combine them with the kmax root colour spray to conceal any colour discrepancy and have always an even tone: see our tutorial to find out the best application. Never more without!

kmax color shades

2 indispensable tools to get the most precise application
and natural result!

kmax concealing applicator

Kmax Applicator

Kmax applicator is the best tool to carefully apply Kmax hair fibers on specific areas as temples and central hairline.

Simply twist and remove the sifter of the kmax hair fibers bottle and then screw on it the unique applicator pump. Shake a bit and carefully spray the hair fibers on the specific areas that need a replenishment. Use this application method on the thinning of the temples, on the widow’s peak, on the front hairline, on the central hairline, to apply the hair fibers only where you need them to get an uniform and natural hair look.

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Kmax Enhancer

Kmax enhancer allows you to frame the face to apply the kmax hair fibers on the hairline, perfectly contouring the face without leaving any residues on the skin.

Get a neat hair contour application simply leaning the kmax applicator over the forehead pointing the hairline and than spray the kmax hair fibers using the kmax applicator exactly where the hair growth begins to achieve the most natural result.

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kmax enhancer